Category: "Conferences"
Sarpedon Quality Lab presenting SQL Server 2016 In-Memory and Security Features in Arabia at SQL Gulf 3
Apr 15th
(“MARR-hah-bah”, Arabic: Hello) This year takes me to yet another part of the world: I have been invited to speak at THE SQL Server Conference in the Middle East: at SQL Gulf 3 taking place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on April 23rd. I feel very much honored to be among the selected speakers: Denny Cherry, Victor Isakov, Peter Myers, Satya Shyam K and Shehap El-Nagar the organizer himself, who has done a great job pulling this off the third time!For example about 7 TV stations are expected to cover this event! |
(“MARR-hah-bah”, Arabisch: Hallo) Dieses Jahr bringt mich an eine weitere Gegend dieser Welt: Ich bin eingeladen worden auf DER SQL Server Konferenz im Nahen Osten: auf der SQL Gulf 3, die am 23. April in Riad Saudi Arabien stattfindet, als Sprecher aufzutreten. Ich fühle mich sehr geehrt unter den ausgewählten Sprechern zu sein: Denny Cherry, Victor Isakov, Peter Myers, Satya Shyam K und Shehap El-Nagar dem Organisator selbst, der einen tollen Job gemacht hat, das zum dritten Mal zu leisten.So werden zum Beispiel ca. 7 TV-Sender werden von diesem Event berichten! |
I will be giving two presentations. The first one is on the new In-Memory capabilities of SQL Server 2016, which have been tremendously enhanced, and the second one is on the new Security features which represent one of the pillars of this release: |
Ich werde zwei Vorträge halten. Einen über die neuen In-Memory Fähigkeiten von SQL Server 2016, die enorm verbessert worden sind und den zweiten zu den neuen Sicherheitsfeatures, die eine der drei Säulen dieses Releases darstellen: |
SQL Server 2016 – the evolution of In-Memory technologies
For SQL Server 2014 a completely new In-Memory Engine for memory optimized table & indexes was integrated into SQL Server with in fact very limited functionality.
For SQL Server 2016 the In-Memory engine is being extensively improved in terms of both scalability and T-SQL language support. Moreover, the ColumnStore index technology has been improved and can now even be combined with memory-optimized tables.
In this session I will provide an overview of the new possibilities and demonstrate where a particular technology may help – or where you cannot expect benefits. If you are planning to go on SQL Server 2016 any time soon, this session shows you two of the most important features that SQL Server 2016 brings.
SQL Server 2016 – the Security Release
In this session I will give insights into the most important security features of SQL Server 2016. In fact, this release will introduce completely new features that serve data security on different levels. The top 3 features are: Dynamic Data Masking, Row Level Security, and, as a highlight: Always Encrypted. Also, the new possibilities in Azure will not remain unmentioned either. The session will provide technical insights and demos but also hints to security traps. In the end a system is only as secure as its weakest spot.
This session aims to assist Administrators as well as Developers in determining the right technologies for their needs.
I am looking forward to making many new contacts with people from this region of the world that is striving for modernization in many aspects and already reached the top in several. |
Ich freue mich darauf, viele neue Kontakte mit Menschen aus dieser Region, die in vielerlei Hinsicht nach Modernisierung strebt und in einigen bereits Spitzenklasse erreicht hat, zu machen. |
مع السلامة (Ma’a salama)
Sessions submitted for major conferences 2016. Topics: Security – Performance – In-Memory
Mar 2nd
Vorträge für die großen Konferenzen 2016 eingereicht. Themen: Sicherheit - Performance - In-Memory
(DE) |
(EN) |
Für den PASS Summit 2016, der wieder in Seattle/USA stattfindet, und auch für den SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit 2016, der in Bangalore/Indien stattfindet habe ich insgesamt 6 Sessions aus den Themengebieten „Sicherheit“, „Performance Analyse“ und „In-Memory“ ausgearbeitet und eingereicht. Dazu kommen 2 ganztägige PreCons zum Thema „Sicherheit“ und „In-Memory“. |
For the PASS Summit 2016 which is again taking place in Seattle/USA as well as for the SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit 2016 which is taking place in Bangalore/India, I worked out and submitted 6 sessions altogether from the subject areas “Security,” “Performance Analysis” and “In-Memory.” Added to that 2 full-day PreCons with the topics “Security” and “In-Memory.” |
SQL Server Security black belt – attack, protect and keep secure
Security Hardening is a subject which, sooner or later, every DBA will face. Microsoft SQL Server, according to the NIST vulnerability database the most secure RDBMS for years, contains many features that help keep the data secure on different layers. At the same time, ever-new applications which use databases on your servers, support-personnel, deployment-processes, auditors, and other processes and real people are constantly demanding access to your Server.
At this full-day pre-conference you will see how external and internal attackers can gain access to sensitive data. You will then learn how to secure the different attack surfaces of a typical SQL Server, and protect not only Data at Rest but also Data in Use and Data in Transit and learn best practices to prevent common vulnerabilities.
In the second part you will get to know fundamental security principles such as
- Least Privilege;
- Segregation of Duties;
- Reconstruction of Events;
- Delegation of Authority;
and you will learn how to use built-in functionalities of SQL Server (some limited to v2016) to build your own security frameworks to secure Deployment and Monitoring, separate Job-permissions; how to implement time-based permissions and which techniques can help reconstruct security-relevant events.
If you are in charge of creating or implementing security concepts or need a full picture of attack surface protection and concepts, this session is exactly right for you.
In-Memory in SQL Server 2016 – from 0 to Operational Analytics Hero
The Columnstore Index technology came with SQL Server 2012 in the form of Nonclustered Columnstore, and SQL Server 2014 brought us updatable Clustered Columnstore Indexes and a completely new In-Memory Engine for memory optimized table & indexes.
SQL Server 2016 is adding the updatable Nonclustered Columnstore Indexes that can both operate on row store as well as on memory-optimized tables, called In-Memory Operational Analytics. With the In-Memory engine being extensively improved in terms of both scalability and T-SQL language support, In-Memory will become a viable option in many projects.
On this training day, attendees will be given a complete picture on the current state of technology and how and where to use either In-Memory OLTP or ColumnStore or both for efficient queries and data store.
General sessions:
Extended Events – The Top Features for efficient Traces
Extended Events, which entered the product in SQL Server 2008, are replacing the old SQL Trace & Profiler - and there are many good reasons for that. In this session you will see a selection of the most fascinating possibilities using this Tracing Framework. If you want to find out how to trace in a flexible and lightweight way, how to do advanced analysis directly inside the GUI, how to audit Database and Table-access without Auditing, how to analyze deadlocks without old-fashioned TraceFlags based on the built-in system_health session, this session is just for you. You will also learn how to use the GUI in an effective way for top-down-analysis and what is possible with some XQuery scripting.
Performance Analyzing SQL Server workloads with DMVs and XEvents
This session you will be lead you through an example performance-analysis using mainly DMVs and Extended Events. You will see how a top-down analysis using built-in tools can be conducted. This will include wait statistics on different scopes to identify performance problems and bottlenecks up to identifying query plan changes – with & without using the Query Store of SQL Server 2016. If you are new to performance analyzing this session will give you a practical insight into how to methodically approach performance troubleshooting.
SQL Server 2016 – the evolution of In-Memory technologies
For SQL Server 2014 a completely new In-Memory Engine for memory optimized table & indexes was integrated into SQL Server with in fact very limited functionality.
For SQL Server 2016 the In-Memory engine is being extensively improved in terms of both scalability as well as T-SQL language support. Moreover the ColumnStore index technology has been improved and can now even be combined with memory-optimized tables.
This session will provide an overview of the new possibilities and demonstrate where a particular technology may help – or where you cannot expect benefits. If you are planning to go on SQL Server 2016 any time soon, this session shows you two of the most important features that SQL Server 2016 brings.
SQL Server Security black belt series: Securing Data
You have installed SQL Server and have heard about several “best practices,” maybe renamed the sa account, but now what?
In this session you will see demos of several methods how an attacker can get access to data in Use & in Transit and see which available built-in technologies provide help in mitigating such attacks. You will be given guidance on how to systematically identify possible threats and ne given best practices at hand.
Among the technologies that can be seen are Network sniffing, a Threat Modeling Tool, TDE and the new Always Encrypted technology of SQL Server 2016. This session is mainly targeting Administrators but many concepts and samples should be valuable knowledge for developers as well.
SQL Server Security black belt series: Securing Operations
You got SQL Server up and running and thought you could easily secure it by completely denying all access to everybody else except you and your co-admin, but you realize that there are many more individuals demanding access for daily or weekly operations. You have heard about “Segregation of Duties” and “Least Privilege” and are looking into how you can properly implement it with SQL Server.
In this session you will learn about techniques and approaches on how to implement secure processes in order to ensure both “Least Privilege” and “Segregation of Duties” and at the same time “Reconstruction of Events.” Among the techniques shown are “time based-permissions” and custom server roles for performance analysis and job-monitoring.
“SQL Attack…ed” – SQL Server under attack via SQL Injection
One of the most frequently attacked targets is the data that resides in a database server. SQL Server is considered “secure by default,” but this is only relevant until the first databases and configurations have been changed. This is why most of the exploited weaknesses are due to misconfiguration or weak coding practices as opposed to security bugs in SQL Server itself, of which we had only a few in the last 10 years.
In this purely demo-based session you will see samples of several real-life attacks, from mere reading up to disrupting service availability via various types of manual and automated SQL Injection, including a broadly unknown elevation of privileges attack for a non-sa account.
If you have a database-server which is accessible by processes beyond your direct control or which even can be reached by some kind of frontend applications, and you are unsure what the possible security implications to watch out for, this session is meant for you.
Ich werde natürlich posten, wenn meine Vorträge für 2016 feststehen. Vielleicht sieht man sich ja auf der einen oder anderen Konferenz. :-) |
Of course I will post when my presentations for 2016 are fixed. Maybe you can meet me at one or another conference. :-) |
SQLKonferenz in Darmstadt: Vorstellung der Security Features von SQL Server 2016 mit dem Leiter des Security-Teams aus Redmond
Feb 19th
SQLKonferenz in Darmstadt: Presenting the Security Features of SQL Server 2016 with the program manager of the security-teams from Redmond
(DE) Und dieses Jahr ist für mich gleich in zweierlei Hinsicht ein besonderer Höhepunkt: Zum einen ist meine Firma, Sarpedon Quality Lab®, erstmalig Silber-Sponsor der Konferenz. Damit unterstütze ich die PASS Deutschland e.V., der deutschen SQL Server Community, der ich seit vielen Jahren sehr verbunden bin, und in welcher ich auch seit einigen Jahren als einer der 3 Regionalgruppenverantwortlicher der Region Rheinland engagiert bin. Und das Highlight schlechthin, seit ich 2009 das erste Mal in Seattle auf dem PASS Summit vor großem Publikum Wege zeigte, SQL Server sicherheitstechnisch auszuhebeln, ist: |
(EN) And this year represents a particular peak for me in two regards: For one, my company, Sarpedon Quality Lab®, is for the first time Silver Sponsor of the conference. In this way, I am supporting PASS Deutschland e.V., the German SQL Server Community, with which I have been closely connected for many years, and in which I have also been involved as one of the 3 regional chapter leaders of the Rheinland Region for a couple of years. And the highlight per se – ever since I had for the first time demonstrated to a large audience at the PASS Summit in Seattle in 2009 how to break through SQL Server in terms of security – is: |
Joachim Hammer, der Leiter der Security für die SQL Engines bei Microsoft in Redmond (also SQL Server und auch der In-Memory Engine XTP, Azure, APS,…) wird mit mir zusammen die neuen Sicherheitsfeatures des bald erscheinenden SQL Server 2016 vorstellen! Das ist eine große Ehre für mich. Ich freue mich, dass ich ihn dafür gewinnen konnte, unsere Konferenz in Deutschland zu besuchen und sich in einer gemeinsamen Session dem kritischen deutschen Publikum zu stellen. Die Vortrags-Agenda: |
Joachim Hammer, the Head of Security for the SQL Engines at Microsoft in Redmond (i.e. SQ Server as well as the In-Memory Engine XTP, Azure, APS, …) will be introducing with me the new security features of SQL Server 2016, which will be released soon! This is a great honor for me. I am happy that I was able to convince him to attend our conference in Germany and to be available to the tough German audience in a joint session. |
SQL Server 2016 – The security release – News from Redmond
Joachim Hammer, Leiter des Security-Teams für die relationalen SQL Engines in Redmond, und Andreas Wolter, Microsoft Certified Solutions Master der Data Platform, geben in dieser Session Einblicke in die wichtigsten Sicherheits-Features von SQL Server 2016. Denn dieses Release wird komplett neue Features einführen, die auf verschiedenen Ebenen der Datensicherheit dienen. Die Top 3: Dynamic Data Masking, Row Level Security und das Highlight: Always Encrypted. In dieser Session gibt es technische Einblicke und Demos, aber auch Hinweise auf Sicherheits-Fallstricke sowie die einmalige Möglichkeit, Fragen zu Implementierungsdetails und dem Entwicklungsprozess direkt an den Entwicklungschef zu stellen. Die Session soll Administratoren als auch Entwickler bei der Entscheidungsfindung für die richtige Technologie unterstützen. Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden, Fragen können aber problemlos live übersetzt werden. Nutzen Sie diese einmalige Möglichkeit den Program Manager der Security Teams direkt Fragen stellen zu können.
In this session, Joachim Hammer, Program Manager of the Security-Team for the relational SQL Engines in Redmond, and Andreas Wolter, Microsoft Certified Solutions Master for the Data Platform, will give insights into the most important security features of SQL Server 2016. In fact, this release will introduce completely new features that serve data security on different levels. The top 3 features are: Dynamic Data Masking, Row Level Security, and, as a highlight: Always Encrypted. The session will provide technical insights and demos but also hints to security traps as well as the unique opportunity to address questions regarding implementation details and the development process directly to the head of development. |
Zeitpunkt des Vortrages: 24.2. 13:30-14:30 Wer es irgendwie einrichten kann: lasst es Euch nicht entgehen, Fragen direkt an den Program Manager für SQL Security zu stellen! Zusätzlich wird es am 25.2. noch eine spezielle Panel Discussion zum Thema Security in SQL Server geben, die ich moderieren werde. Auch hier wird Joachim Hammer sicherlich der Star-Gast sein. Die anderen Gäste verrate ich noch nicht, da es teilweise eine Überraschung sein soll. :-) |
Time of the presentation: 24 Feb., 1:30-2:30 pm. For those who can make it work somehow: don’t miss out on the chance to pose questions directly to the Program Manager for SQL Security! In addition, on 25 Feb. there will be a special Panel Discussion on Security in SQL Server, which I will be chairing. Here, too, Joachim Hammer will certainly be the star guest. I won’t tell who the other guests are, as it’s kind of supposed to be a surprise. :-) |
Das Thema In-Memory wird dieses Jahr übrigens von meinem geschätzten Kollegen Guido Jacobs, ebenfalls Microsoft, übernommen werden. In seinem Vortrag, der sich direkt meinem anschließt, geht es um „Operational Analytics“, das der Begriff für die im SQL Server 2016 mögliche Kombination aus In-Memory OLTP mit ColumnStore Technologie ist. Mein Tipp: es lohnt sich, sich damit nun zu befassen. Die XTP-Engine ist im SQL Server 2016 wirklich wesentlich ausgereifter und für viel mehr Workloads und Datenbankdesigns verwendbar. Hier geht’s zur kompletten Agenda der SQLKonferenz: |
This year, the topic In-Memory will be taken over by my distinguished colleague Guido Jacobs, also from Microsoft. His presentation, which will follow right after mine, is on “Operational Analytics:” the term for the combination of In-Memory OLTP with ColumnStore Technology that is possible in SQL Server 2016. My advice: it is worth dealing with it now. The XTP-Engine is far more sophisticated in SQL Server 2016 and applicable for many more workloads and database designs. Here you can find the complete agenda of the SQL Conference: |
Ich freue mich auf interessante Gespräche. Und diesmal wird es leichter sein, mich zu finden: wenn ich nicht gerade in einem Vortrag bin, sollte ich am Stand von Sarpedon Quality Lab® zu finden sein :-). |
I am looking forward to interesting discussions. This time, I will be easier to find: unless I am sitting in on a presentation, or presenting myself, you should find me at the Sarpedon Quality Lab® booth :-). |
Conferences in the second half of 2015: From Asia to America to Europe // Konferenzen im 2. Halbjahr 2015: Von Asien über Amerika bis Europa
Oct 27th
(DE) Aber vor diesem Gipfel der Konferenzen, dem ich nunmehr das 7. Jahr in Folge beiwohne, habe ich bereits einige andere Konferenzen in allein diesem Halbjahr als Sprecher besucht. Leider schaffe ich es erst jetzt, darüber zu berichten, wo es mich in diesem Halbjahr so verschlägt, bzw. verschlagen hat. |
(EN) Prior to this peak of conferences which I will be attending for the 7th consecutive year I also visited a couple of other conferences as a speaker in this half year alone. Unfortunately, I am only now finding a moment to report on where I have been and where I will be during the course of these 6 months. |
Im August war ich das erste Mal auf Konferenzen im asiatischen Raum. Und zwar erst zum SQL Saturday Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, und danach in Indien. In Malaysia hatte ich in meiner Eigenschaft als einziger Deutscher, wenn nicht Europäer, die Ehre, gleich 2 Vorträge halten zu dürfen: |
In August, I attended conferences in Asia for the first time: first, the SQL Saturday Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, and then in India. In Malaysia, acting in my capacity as the only German, if not European, I had the honor of giving 2 presentations: |
- In-Memory OLTP Vol1 – XTP Fundamentals & Future Development
- “SQL Attack…ed” – SQL Server under attack via SQL Injection
Und anderthalb Wochen später war ich in Indien auf dem SQL Server Geeks Summit – dem ersten überhaupt, in Bangalore. Ein tolles Event. Dafür sorgte die positive Einstellung der vielen vielen freiwilligen Helfer vor Ort. Diese standen, so wie ich es hörte, jeden Tag um 5 Uhr morgens oder früher, um aus den Randgebieten der Millionenstadt nach stundenlanger Anreise in dem für die Sprecher und für indischen Verkehr verhältnismäßig günstig gelegenen Konferenzcenter früh genug anzukommen, um alles vorzubereiten. Auch hier habe ich 2 Vorträge gehalten: |
One and a half weeks later, I was in India, at the SQL Server Geeks Summit in Bangalore – the first ever to take place in India. A fantastic event. This was largely due to the positive attitude of the many volunteer helpers on site. From what I heard they got up every day at 5 am or earlier in order to arrive on time to prepare everything, not minding the hours-long journey from the outskirts of the mega-city to the conference center – which was relatively conveniently located for the speakers and with respect to the Indian traffic. Here, too, I gave 2 presentations: |
- Tracing With Extended Events – Top Features
- SQL Server Under Attack via SQL Injection
Meiner Ansicht nach ist der SQL Server Geeks Summit direkt vom Start weg eine der besten SQL Server Konferenzen weltweit. Ich würde ihn unter den Top 5 sehen. – Und ich habe bereits auf fast allen großen SQL Server Konferenzen in Europa und den USA mindestens einmal gesprochen. |
In my opinion, the SQL Server Geeks Summit was one of the best SQL Server conferences world-wide right from the start. I would consider it among the top 5. – And I have already presented at least once at almost all major SQL Server conferences in Europe and in the US. |
Zurück in Deutschland habe ich im September bereits auf 3 User Group Treffen der PASS Deutschland gesprochen. Und zwar auf den Regionalgruppentreffen Ruhrgebiet in Essen, Rheinland in Köln und Rhein/Main in Bad Homburg. Dort hielt ich meinen neu ausgearbeiteten Vortrag: „A journey into SQL Server Storage (von Memory zu Disk)“ |
Back in Germany, I went on to speak at 3 User Group Meetings of PASS Germany in September: at the Regional Chapter Meetings Ruhrgebiet in Essen, Rheinland in Cologne und Rhein/Main in Bad Homburg. There, I gave my new presentation on “A journey into SQL Server Storage (from memory to disc).”
Am 13. Oktober war ich außerdem Gastsprecher auf der SQLDays Konferenz in Erdingen, wo ich den SQL Server 2016 vermutlich das erste Mal öffentlich in Deutschland gezeigt habe, und auch die In-Memory OLTP Engine mit ihren kommenden Neuerungen zeigen konnte: |
Besides that, on 13 October, I was a guest speaker at the SQLDays conference in Erdingen where I presented the SQL Server 2016, and this probably for the first time in public in Germany. Also, I presented the In-Memory OLTP Engine with its forthcoming new features:
- SQL Server 2016: Performance, Skalierbarkeit und Sicherheit – Neues und Verbesserungen // Performance, Scalability and Security – Innovations and Improvements
- SQL Server 2014-2016: In-Memory OLTP & Operational Analytics
Nun wie bin ich nach Zwischenstopps in New York und San Francisco unterwegs nach Seattle, um auf der größten SQL Server Konferenz überhaupt, dem PASS Summit, meinen insgesamt 6. Vortrag zu halten. Dabei handelt es sich um einen kurzen Teaser aus meinen Extended Events Vorträgen: |
Now, after stops in New York and San Francisco, I am on my way to Seattle to give my 6th presentation at the largest SQL Server conference in the world, the PASS Summit. It will be a short teaser from my Extended Events presentations: |
Im Anschluss an den PASS Summit geht es auf den exklusiv für MVPs veranstalteten MVP Summit. Spätestens dort werde ich mich wieder einmal direkt mit einigen Product-Teams austauschen. Allen voran dem Security Team – denn im SQL Server 2016 wird es ja einige wirklich große Neuerungen in diesem Bereich geben. Und diese werde ich auch auf dem PASS Camp im Dezember zeigen. Das zweite heiße Thema ist der Ausbau der In-Memory Engine, welche ich ja bereits von Anfang an auf diversen Konferenzen immer wieder vorgestellt habe – zu einem Zeitpunkt, wo die Hürden noch sehr groß waren. Das wird sich mit dem SQL Server 2016 aber ändern, soviel kann ich jetzt schon verraten! |
After the PASS Summit, I will proceed to the MVP Summit, exclusively held for MVPs. There at the latest I will take the opportunity to directly connect with a few product teams and exchange knowledge and ideas. – Above all, with the security team, because SQL Server 2016 will see a couple of major innovations in this area indeed. And I will present these innovations at the PASS Camp in December. The second hot topic is the upgrading of the In-Memory Engine which I have introduced from the outset at various conferences – at a time when the hurdles were still quite big. I can already tell you this much: This will change with SQL Server 2016 for sure! |
Zurück in Deutschland werde ich vom 17.-18. November auf dem Microsoft Technical Summit in Darmstadt anzutreffen sein, wo ich den SQL Server 2016 vorstellen darf. Das ist wie auch in den letzten Jahren eine große Ehre für mich. |
Once I’m back in Germany, I will be at the Microsoft Technical Summit in Darmstadt from 17-18 November where I will have the privilege of introducing SQL Server 2016. Just like in the previous years, this is a great honor for me. |
- SQL Server 2016 - Das Performance und Sicherheitsrelease // The performance and security release
Mit dem bereits oben angesprochenen PASS Camp vom 1.-3.12. endet dieses Jahr an internationalen Konferenzen damit für mich. Ich würde mich freuen, den einen oder anderen Leser auf einer dieser Gelegenheiten persönlich begrüßen zu dürfen. Man muss dafür nicht unbedingt Ozeane überqueren :-) |
This my year of international conferences will finish with the PASS Camp mentioned above (1-3 December). I would be happy to personally welcome some of my readers on one of these occasions. One does not necessarily need to cross oceans for this. :-) |
Und noch ein aktueller Hinweis: Vom 23.-27.11.2015 findet in Düsseldorf, recht kurzfristig angesetzt, eine der begehrten SQL Server Master-Classes statt: Die MC1: Workshop SQL Server 2014 für Administratoren. Diese hat sich innerhalb von 4 Wochen blitzschnell ausverkauft. Jedoch kann ich über einen Raumwechsel noch einen Platz für den ersten reservieren, der folgenden Code bei der Anmeldung angibt: MC1BlogSpecial. Die Teilnahme kann ich nur für den ersten garantieren, der diesen Code bei der Anmeldung verwendet. Der Code berechtigt außerdem zu 15% Rabatt auf den Seminarpreis. Tipp: Mitglieder von PASS Deutschland und Kunden von Sarpedon Quality Lab erhalten jeweils spezielle Rabattcodes. Im Zweifel bitte im direkten Kontakt nachfragen. |
Finally, a current note: From 23-27 November, one of my popular SQL Server Master-Classes takes place in Düsseldorf: the MC1: Workshop SQL Server 2014 for Administrators. In fact, it sold out within 4 weeks. However, thanks to a room change, I can reserve a spot for the first person who indicates the following code at registration: MC1BlogSpecial. Note that I can only guarantee the participation for the first to apply this code when registering. In addition to this, the code also qualifies for a 15% discount on the seminar fee. Hint: Members of PASS Germany and clients of Sarpedon Quality Lab will obtain special discount codes. If unsure, please contact me directly. |
Und hier ein paar optische Eindrücke der oben genannten Konferenzen aus aller Welt: |
Here are a couple of visual impressions from the above-mentioned conferences from all over the world: |
Dissin’ Oracle JavaOne in San Francisco
Malaysia: Microsoft Office Kuala Lumpur is located in floor 26
The petronas towers at night
Conference venue in Bangalore/India – just kidding. This is just one of the many palaces Bangalore has to offer
This indeed is the entry to the conference
On stage in Bangalore – Thank you Avanish for the cool photograph
My conference-sessions in 2015: from Extended Events over In-Memory to Security
May 25th
(en) The year started really great with the German SQL Server Konferenz in Darmstadt with 2 sessions on In-Memory OLTP in SQL Server 2014 – one of them being even a full-day PreCon, which I co-presented with Niko Neugebauer, who was talking about Clustered ColumnStore Indexes. |
(de) Das Jahr begann gleich großartig mit der Deutschen SQL Server Konferenz in Darmstadt mit 2 Sessions zu In-Memory OLTP in SQL Server 2014 – eine davon sogar eine ganztägige PreCon, welche ich mit Niko Neugebauer co-präsentierte, der über Clustered ColumnStore Indexe sprach. |
PreCon: “In-Memory Internas: Clustered Columnstore & In-Memory OLTP Deep Dive”
Session: “In-Memory OLTP für Entwickler“ (In-Memory OLTP for Developers)
In March I was happy to have been speaker for the second time at the SQLBits in London - |
Im März war ich glücklich zum zweiten Mal auf den SQLBits in London als Sprecher zu sein – wahrscheinlich DEM Event außerhalb der PASS in Europe wenn nicht weltweit. |
Extended Events – Top Features
In April I joined the SQLDay Poland for the first time, giving a session on Locking & Blocking and a second session on Security, namely SQL Injection: |
Im April war ich das erste Mal auf dem SQLDay Poland , mit einer Session zu Sperren & Blockaden und einer zweiten Sessio zu Sicherheit, genauer SQL Injection: |
From Locks to Dead-locks. – Concurrency in SQL Server
“SQL Attack…ed” – SQL Server under attack via SQL Injection
For June I am happy to be able to announce that I will again present on Extended Events at the SQL Saturday #409 Rheinland/Germany. - Added to that I am honored to give one of the 2 full day and free of cost PreCons: Together with Patrick Heyde, Microsoft (Technet-Blog), I will talk on SQL Server in Azure Environments. Specifically on how to optimally configure such a deployments to performance and cost-efficiency at the same time. (Also see my blog article “SQL Server in Microsoft Azure: How to gain performance by flexibility and save costs at the same time”) Besides giving a free PreCon and regular session, my Company Sarpedon Quality Lab is again officially sponsoring this home-event. This is part of my commitment to the German PASS Community – especially since my own family starts taking more time, this is a bit of what I can do to support the PASS Deutschland e.V.. |
Für den Juni darf ich mich glücklich schätzen, bekanntzugeben, dass ich auf dem SQL Saturday #409 Rheinland wieder zu Extended Events präsentieren werde. – Tatsächlich hatte ich bereits auf dem ersten Deutschen SQL Saturday 2012 zu Extended Eventzs präsentiert Zusätzlich dazu fühle ich mich geehrt, eine der 2 ganztägigen und kostenlosen PreCons zu geben: Zusammen mit Patrick Heyde, Microsoft (Technet-Blog), werde ich über SQL Server in Azure Umgebungen sprechen. Und zwar, wie man solche Deployments optimal konfiguriert um sowohl Performance- als auch Kosteneffizient zugleich zu sein. (Siehe auch meinen Blog-Artikel “SQL Server in Microsoft Azure: Wie man durch Flexibilität Leistung gewinnt und zugleich Kosten spart”) Abgesehen von der kostenblosen PreCon und regulärem Vortrag, ist meine Firma Sarpedon Quality Lab wieder offizieller Sponsor dieses Events. Das ist Teil meines Engagements für die deutsche PASS Community – speziell seit meine eigene Familie mehr Zeit beansprucht, ist das ein wenig dessen, was ich tun kann, den PASS Deutschland e.V. zu unterstützen. |
PreCon: Hybrid IT – Azure Scenarios & Dynamic Infrastructure
Tracing with Extended Events – Top Features
- If you are still using Profiler, or just started with XEvents, be sure to come along to see some of the nifty features ;-)
In September I will be at the SQLSaturday #413 Denmark in Copenhagen, organized among other by Regis Baccaro. I will be giving yet another PreCon on In-Memory OLTP and Clustered ColumnStore and a regular session on SQL Server storage. |
Im September werde ich auf dem SQLSaturday #413 Denmark in Kopenhagen, organisiert neben anderen von Regis Baccaro, sein. HIer gebe ich wieder eine PreCon zu In-Memory OLTP und Clustered ColumnStore und eine reguläre Session zu SQL Server Speicher. |
PreCon: New Index technologies: Clustered ColumnStore and In-Memory OLTP: the good and the bad
A journey into SQL Server Storage - from Memory to Disk
I hope to see YOU :-)