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alwayson «centralizing report design» columnstore conference dbcc demo «extended events» in-memory «in-memory oltp» konferenz «mcm _ mcsm» mvp pass «pass camp» «pass summit» «performance analysis» «privilege escalation» «report templates» «reporting services» «reporting services 2005» «reporting services 2008» «reporting services 2008 r2» security seminar sicherheit «sql injection» «sql server 2014» «sql server 2016» «sql trace _ profiler» sqlcon sqlpass sqlsaturday «standardizing report design» survey teched tracing umfrage vortrag xtp zertifizierungAndreas Wolter: Thank you, S.E. Btw: this Blog is actually "closed". I h…
S.E.: The SQL Agent problem has been resolved with SQL Server 201…
Andreas Wolter: Hi Michael, I saw that. And only today I found time to do…
Michael: Hi Andreas, I have reposted my post on your new blog and…
Andreas Wolter: Hello Michael. First of all: My blog is now officially at…
Michael: Hi Andreas, thank you for a brilliant article. Can I ask, i…