Category: "Reliability"
SQL Server Storage Engine under the hood: How SQL Server performs I/O
Aug 11th
I will present this session on September 6th 2011 in Dublin Ireland at 6:30pm (None Irish audience is welcome too, I promise to finnish in time for a pint of Guinnes :-)
How does SQL Server really access the data and log files on the disk? What's don… more »
A little bit more information on multi location backups
Jan 26th
On of the advantages of backing up to multiple locations is that the data is read on the SQL Server just once, this is an advantage because the IO on the database files is kept to a minimum (in comparison on doing two backups one after the other). Then… more »
Backup to multiple locations at the same time (multiple copies of the backup files)
Jan 25th
Sometimes it can be usefull to have two ore more copies of the same backup (e.g. you have two locations/disks and want a copy in/on both)
So lets explain how to backup to two locations at once. First the bad news this is an Enterprise (SQL Server… more »
Hello World
Jan 24th
Hello fellow SQL Server users.
I have spent half my life working with SQL Server and accumulated a lot of knowlege in this past 20 years. I started presenting on several conferences over the last few years and more and more people asked me to start… more »