csegRollUp v3 published

Carlo Segura has published his new version of the RollUp-webpart. New features: Include List Data flag, if you enable the checkbox the xml data will include the underscore data (_ListTitle, _ListUrl, _SiteTitle, _SiteUrl, _ItemId, _ItemUrl, _ItemEdit) Queries
  • CAML Query you can use a caml query to search on each list.
  • RowLimit - maximun number of rows to return
  • Recursive - the query recursive be made (great for Document Libraries)
  • DebugQuery - show the xml from the query
Special values that you can use on queries: [Login] - the logged user [UserName] - the complete user name [UserID] - the user ID [Now] - the current date and time [Now+x] - the current date and time + x days [Now-x] - the current date and time - x days direct-download link: csegRollUpV3