Update: 80-20 Retention Server 1.1 released
David Gillespie:
We're very pleased to announce that we have just uploaded version 1.1 Its still free and you can still download it from: http://www.80-20.com/retentionserver/downloads/setup.exe
Don't forget to get the updated documentation as well from: http://www.80-20.com/retentionserver/downloads.asp
Because every bug we've caught so far can be traced back to an installation issue, this release doesn't change any of the actual product's code (only the installer). So if you have successfully installed and all is running fine, then you can ignore this release. If however you plan to do more installations then things will run smoother if you use this version.
An additional utility is supplied as part of this release. wpupdate.exe can be used to add Retention Server to Portal Sites which were not selected as part of the original install. See page 23 (26 in Adobe) of the installation and configuration guide for more detail on how to use it.
This release contains the following changes in the installer:
-A new dialog to let users specify the LDAP URL and validate it with the service account
-Changed the way we connect with SQL server. We used to use SQLDMO which only comes with Microsoft SQL Server, so if that is not available the installer used to fail. Now we use generic ADODB which should be installed by default on all servers.
-Use SharePoint Object Model first to show the list of portals available for Retention Server to install on, if that fails we query IIS to show the list of websites.
-Validate the portal owner in the Active Directory specified by the LDAP URL and warn them if the user cannot be resolved.
-Some minor bug fixes.
Print article | This entry was posted by tosc on 2006-03-22 at 10:21:17 . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. |
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