Did you track the growth of your database-backup?
Frequently you'll want to know how fast your database-backup has been growing. Perhaps you have implement a SAN Backup-Device for Backup-to-disk, or you only want know how fast your database has been growing.
This TSQL statement will query the [msdb]..[backupset], to roughly outline the growth of your database-backup, for each user-database of the local server.
DECLARE @command VARCHAR(1000)
CREATE TABLE #db_backup_grow (DBName sysname, BackupDate sysname, SizeInGB sysname)
SELECT @command =
'USE [?] SELECT ''?'' AS DBName
,BackupDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),[backup_start_date], 111)
,SizeInGB = ([backup_size]/1073741824)
FROM [msdb]..[backupset]
WHERE [database_name] = ''?''
AND [type]=''D''
ORDER BY [backup_start_date] DESC'
INSERT INTO #db_backup_grow
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command
FROM #db_backup_grow
WHERE DBName not in ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb')
ORDER BY DBName, BackupDate, SizeInGB
DROP TABLE #db_backup_grow
CU tosc
Print article | This entry was posted by tosc on 2008-05-07 at 17:01:54 . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. |
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