SQL Server 2005 and 2008 - Backup, Integrity Check and Index Optimization
Ola Hallengren, with his wonderful SQL Server 2005 and 2008 - Backup, Integrity Check and Index Optimization scripts - made some updates to his maintenance scripts:
- Support for printing of commands without executing them. Set the new parameter @Execute to 'N' to use this feature. Please note that you need the latest versions of DatabaseBackup, DatabaseIntegrityCheck, IndexOptimize and CommandExecute to use this feature.
- Changed behaviour in DatabaseBackup when deleting old log backups. In the new version it doesn't delete any log backups that are newer than the latest full or differential backup.
Print article | This entry was posted by tosc on 2009-06-22 at 08:37:28 . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. |
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