Microsoft code-named “Atlanta”
What is Microsoft code-named "Atlanta?"
Microsoft code-named "Atlanta" is a configuration assessment cloud service helping enable DBAs to proactively avoid configuration problems. Additionally, Atlanta will provide best practice guidance and help you to more rapidly resolve identified issues through step-by step-guidance and the ability for Microsoft support professionals to access the most up-to-date configuration data for their deployment.
This secure cloud service will help DBAs to:
Proactively avoid problems with Microsoft SQL Server through ongoing monitoring and alerting of configuration from the cloud
Reduce downtime and improve performance of Microsoft SQL Server through proactive scanning for known configuration issues and comparison with best practices
Resolve issues faster by providing Microsoft, or your own support staff, the ability to get a current view of your configuration, changes that have been made, and use the most up to date solutions to solve them
So let us take a look to the beta!
I wish you a nice day,
Print article | This entry was posted by tosc on 2010-11-12 at 07:59:56 . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. |
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