Resources for complex, enterprise SQL Server Implementations

There is a new resources for complex, enterprise SQL Server Implementations, by the Microsoft SQL Server Development Customer Advisory Team at Top 10 Lists: Summary list of Best Practices and Recommendations Technical Notes: Deep level… more »

Which login has what server role permissions

Below script will query sys.server_role_members / sys.server_principals to find out which logins have what server role access. CodeSELECT 'ServerRole' = CASEWHEN rm.role_principal_id > 2 THEN SUSER_NAME(rm.role_principal_id) END, AS… more »

SQL Server 2005 Partition Management Tool

Stuart Ozer developed a simple, shared source Partition Management Tool for SQL Server 2005 to make the process of creating the staging tables for partition management nearly foolproof. At runtime, the definition of all columns, indexes, and… more »

Future CTP Improvements for SQL Server 2008

Take a look to each improvement to each CTP for SQL Server 2008 - and watch out for future improvements. Cheers CU tosc more »

Blocking per object with sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats

SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS 'DB_NAME', QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(ios.[object_id], database_id)) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(ios.[object_id], database_id)) AS 'OBJECT_NAME', AS 'INDEX_NAME', i.index_id AS 'INDEX_ID',… more »

SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer (January 2008) - received with cheers

There is an update to SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer. It contains new and updated rules for Analysis Services, rules for the Relational Engine, some fixes for the UI and command line tools. Here is the origional post for SQL Server 2005 BPA:… more »

Launch Event 2008 - Gewinnspiel auf

Dank Frank Kalis (admin) gibt es ein Gewinnspiel zur MS Lanch Event 2008 - auf Einfach die Fragen beantworten -! Folgende Preise stehen bereit: 1x kostenfreie Eintrittskarte für den Launch Event 1x Flight Simulator X… mehr »

MSDN and TechNet SQL Server Sites Linked

Cheers! CU tosc more »

RML Utilities for Microsoft SQL Server Released

The Microsoft PSS SQL Support Team, give us a set of useful tools that could change/help our life. Check out the RML Utilities here: RML Utilities for Microsoft SQL Server To download the RML Utilities for SQL Server, visit the following Microsoft… more »

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Andreas Kosch 2006 212 Seiten 19,90 Euro ISBN 3-935042-85-X SQL Server 2005 Express Edition – ein Taschenbuch, das deutsche Entwickler-Einstiegswerk zum kleinsten der SQL Server 2005 Familie. Der Autor –… mehr »